Das Lancia-Magazin

Zwischen 1960 und 1977 gab es 38 Ausgaben eines Lancia Magazins. Diese Zeitschrift wurde von Lancia an ausgewählte Investoren und Häendler verschickt. Es gab keine Möglichkeit diese Magazine zu kaufen. Hier einige Bilder/Text aus einer Ebay-Versteigerung in der einige der Zeitschriften angeboten wurden.

The deluxe summer, 1968 issue. Fueled with a fresh cash injection from Fiat, the magazine re-attains the glory of its original issues. Extended articles on the Fulvia HF and the 1967 Monte Carlo victory in the same machine, the factory-sponsored "Lancia Raid" in Fulvias across much of Asia, the newly introduced Flavia 2000, and a life history of Fessia, designer of the Flavia and Fulvia models, who has recently passed to the greater Chissivo works in the sky.

Winter, 1969 issue, coming more than a year after the previous volume (issue 24). Content including: Racing Aurelias, on track competition successes of the Fulvia, including the Barchetta spider, and a profile of Lancia dealers in Padova and Verona.

Issue 23, Fall 1967. Coming shortly after the deluxe issue #22, this issue has less content than normal, but is also very difficult to locate. Continued coverage of the HF Fulvia racing successes, showroom displays connected with the 70th anniversary celebrations, etc.

A tour of the Lancia works competition department, the story of the Flaminia line on the eve of it's removal from current model status. The Fulvia Zagato and the HF 1300 Coupe, and a tour of a new Lancia facility in Bologna. And more.

Articles on the newly-revamped Flavia 2000 Berlina, continuing coverage of competition successes in the Fulvia Coupe HF, and a history and profile of the important Lambda model, with numerous other articles.

Content including much coverage of the Monte Carlo Rallye victory, featuring Michael Turner's factory commissioned painting of the event, and a fold-out poster of this picture, an article on the progressive development of the Lancia Stratos concept, inside the mind of a works Lancia rally driver, with photographs of Manucci's notes used to guide Munari through the Monte Carlo Rallye, Launch of the special Fulvia HF 1.3 Montecarlo variation, and a look inside the works rally team at the "Stratos" hand-over from the design department to for competition preparation. And more

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